Boost fleet management by aggregating all data

Aggregate your drivers’ income data from multiple sources in seconds.

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Top fleet platforms coverage
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Use aggregated data to assess drivers' performance.


Industries that benefit from aggregated platform drivers' data

Consumer Lending

Integrate governmental tax portals and access financial data and more.

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Vehicle Financing

Identify the reliability of a vehicle loan application by checking the work history of the applicant.

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Identify the best candidates with alternative data.

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Underwrite a diverse workforce

Grow your business by successfully underwriting workers from different backgrounds. Build better financial products with verified income data directly from the source.

Profile analysis of a person with multiple income
One platform. All integrations

We have integrations to all income sources. Payroll, gig platforms, government taxes

Integrate your customers' income, taxes, and other alternative data into your risk analysis.

Gig Economy

Build custom analysis on the gig economy workforce through unparalleled insights.

Government Portals

Verify your users' employment and income through government portals.

Payment Platforms

Verify users' payment history to build a risk profile.